Find your sources of Maine Pure Maple Syrup at our member directory.
The Maine Maple Producers Association welcomes you to join Maine’s Maple Syrup Producers, statewide, as they celebrate Maine Maple Sunday.
From the time the first crow flies, usually in late February, to sometime in mid April, the sparkling clear “sweetwater” flows.
Pure Maple Syrup contains several benefits, including 24 natural antioxidants that can reduce the damage of free radicals causing inflammation and reduce various chronic disease.
The Maine Maple Producers Association represents more than 250 of the 450 producers licensed to sell maple products in Maine.
Pure Maine maple syrup with a hint of the great north woods in it, has been brightening the flavor of fine, downeast food since long before the colonists arrived.
These maple treats come from The Maple Sugar Book, written by Maine’s famous “Good Life” philosophers, Helen and Scott Nearing.
Large midway, exhibit halls, livestock exhibits, animal pull events, harness racing, demolition derby.